What is Himura Kenshin?
A small, red-haired man whose deceptively harmless form contains the power to topple governments and fell madmen. Some authorities believe he may actually be an early attempt at battle
Himura Kenshin's darker personality, the Hitokiri Battousai breaks free whenever the rurouni is under a great deal of stress -- kind of like a Meiji Era Incredible Hulk (he even does the yellow eyes, but draws the line at the icky green skin). He is stronger, meaner, sexier, and far less polite than Himura's normal self: quite definitely not a force to be dealt with lightly.
In most circumstances, the only way to awaken the
(note: Definition shamelessly stolen from h2g2.)
Gohei: "So, do you believe too, that a sword is for protecting people?"
Kenshin: "No. I believe that a sword is a weapon, and
Kendo is a technique for killing. MissKaoru believes that I cannot kill a man... (smiles) I just love her naive impression of me! I wish that it's the truth, but I'm afraid it isn't."