Hippy Flipping

What is Hippy Flipping?


Taking psilocybe mushrooms and MDMA (ecstacy) together. Actually regarded quite highly within the drug subculture. The effects rarely last longer than 8 hours. The effects of the MDMA lend a very upbeat feeling to the user, usually resulting in a positive mushroom trip. Because MDMA is a fairly "reliable" good high, but mushrooms aren't (there can be bad trips), the MDMA high helps to stabablize the mushroom trip.

"What are you doing for the rave on Thursday?"

"I'm going hippy flipping."

See candy flip, candy flipping, mushrooms, mdma, ecstacy


Taking extasy and mushroomsin a combination with each other. The tripp can last until the person goes to sleep(up to several days). Highly discouraged by most veteran drug users.

I've got a couple of tabs of x and a few shroom caps, do you want to go hippy flipping.


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