
What is H.o.?


1) A specific type of model electric train. Known both as H.O. scale and H.O. gauge. The letters come from "Half-O", since H.O. was originally half the size of an O gauge train. The scale of H.O. is 1/67, and its gauge is 16.5mm. H.O. trains are the most popular size in the world.

2) the scale of H.O. trains, which is 1/87. It can eb applied to trains, minitaure figures, or model kits.

1) Jimmy has a set of H.O. trains running in his basement.

The Hobby Shop carries H.O. trains

2) Are those model plains 1/72 or H.O. scale?

This diorama is done to a precise H.O. scale.

See scale, hobbies


an abbreviation for hold on

cutegirl101-can u h.o. 4 like 1 sec??


(in a chatroom)

See hold, on, be, right, back


A hard on

A Hard one

a guy that has a hard penis

a guy that pops a boner

"Sheez...Stacey when i talk to you i get an H.O." -J.R.

See dick, boner, hard on, hard one


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