What is Hoang?
a god-like creature that every hot girl falls for. also nice as hell in web designing.
"i pimp you all"
i need you hoang.
A sexy beast. See also
The women lined up to do Hoang.
Of the vietnamese name, also referring to a person who can be described as petty, inconsiderate, and short-minded.
If one were to be labeled as a "HOANG", the following will or have already been fulfilled.
You have fallen in what you have portrayed as love in as little as three days to a week. In that time period you will have met the girl in a total of less than 3 times and know her only through stalking and searching via myspace and "her" friends. Eventually you become depressed, sing horrible karaoke, and fall out of love and in again once you find someone else. BEing viewed as a Hoang u need accomplish little, merely look, act, and speak as fobby as you possible can. Get yourself into as many awkward and ridiculous situations as possible
for example, tah hah tah hahhh hoang you moron
(Noun) a/the fuck head.
What the Hoang?
One who's mom is like a brick. Flat on both sides and gets laid by mexicans.
Constantly chews tobacco to help rid the funk from tossing Jodrey's salad everyday at lunch.
Kevin has always preferred the Hoang maneuver after servicing his male clients.