
What is Hodge?


(v.) to hit someone or something with one's dick; equally effective against a gal's cheek or a national monument.

see also, dickslap

that birthday cake was sort of pissing me off, so i hodged the shit out of it. left several mushroom-shaped indentations.


v. to slap someone in the face with a penis.

adj. crazy

1) I totally hodged her last nite.

2) That party was hodge.


Anyone who displays hodgelike qualities, such as getting angry for no reason and saying lame comebacks.

I told John today that I had sex with his mom. He got really angry and told me he had sex with my dad, he's such a hodge.

See faggot, town bicycle, noob, fanboy, fag


<hohj> n. - one who relentlessly desires and consumes large quantities of unhealthy food

"Oh my God, you ate that whole pizza by yourself... fucking hodge!"

Brook ate a Grande Meal for breakfast because she's a hodge.

See hog, fatass, glutton


A "Hodge" is a person who, for no apparent reason, leaves a social gathering or event in a mood. Often refering the members of said social gathering as "Dick heads".

Someone angrily walks out of a poker session, calling everyone a dick head and slamming the door on the way out.

Everone else: "What a Hodge".

See hodge, hedge, hod, odge


to spill or break a bottle of beer.

to spill any alcoholic beverage.

"Angus knocked over a whole beer, he's such a hodge."

"I got so hammered last night I hodged my beer."

See beer crime, spill, schroooederrr!, jim the cop'd, three beer pirate


(v) To improvise a solution to something from an assortment of items. Derived from Hodge podge

After the ceiling fan fell off the ceiling, John hodged something up and was able to get it up and working again.

I really don't know what the report is supposed to be about, so I'll just hodge something together and hand it in.

See improvise, hodge podge, macguyver, duct tape, unique


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