
What is Hokie?


1. A Virginia Tech Fan

2. A Fighting Globber

3. Anyone who hates UVA

Hokie Fans love to hate UVA

See Bob


A word made up in a cheer at Virginia Tech that as now become a word to describe A) a member of the University and sports team B) a fan of the University C) The gobbler, or mascot of Virginia Tech. In a sense a hokie has no definition, yet that hasn't stopped anyone from using the word

UVa Guy: The hokies suck!

Tech Guy: And the Cavaliers swallow!

See hokies, vt, virginia tech


A true VA Tech fan.

One who outsmarts, outplays, outwhits, outscores, outlives, outdoes, and basically beats the hell out of the University of Viginia Wahoos.

A Hokie wouldn't use they're when he means their in his definition like "letsgohoos" would. And that's why he's a wafreakinhoo.

See hokie, hokey, wahoo, virginia tech, vt, blacksburg


Hokie means family. Hokies love, support, and care for each-other; like a family.

"Today, we are all Hokies"

See virginia tech, vt, hokies, family, love, team, together, football, pride, respect


Courtesy of TailgateFever:

The HokieBird is an ass-kicking chicken. Actually he's a turkey, but that's not the point. The University would have you believe that "Hokie" is a word made up in 1896 by O. M. Stull in a winning entry in the school's contest for a new cheer. A closer look at the historical record reveals the startling truth that this is a poorly concocted lie created to hide a much larger conspiracy from the student body. University records reveal that in 1896, senior cadet O. M. Stull reported what would be the first of numerous sightings of a giant cartoonish bird in the mountains of southwest Virginia. Stull's commanding officer in the Corps of Cadets dismissed the report as "hokey" (a fashionable term at the turn of the century), and the giant bird soon became known as the HokieBird. Like his friends Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster, the HokieBird is simultaneously feared and adored by most humans. The sightings all report him to be a bird of great strength, great looks, and great intelligence. He has written extensively on chaos theory, nanotechnology, and the worthlessness of the Designated Hitter rule. He leaps tall buildings in a single bound, benches 405 pounds (77 reps against Akron), and has dated Jennifer Lopez, Sienna Miller, and Jessica Simpson. He has won three Nobel Peace Prizes, two Congressional Medals of Honor, and a partridge in a pear tree. He is part mascot, part super hero, and he will kick your ass.

Wahoo: Hahah, your mascot is a castrated turkey.

Hokie: ... for going to such a smart school, you're an idiot.

See hokie, virginia tech, vt


Hokie means family. Hokies love, support, and care for each-other; like a family.

"Today, we are all Hokies"

See virginia tech, vt, hokies, family, love, team, together, football, pride, respect


the team that put chris long to shame. hahahaaaaaa

person 1: so did you see the hokies play this week?

person 2: yeah they beat uva!

See hokie, virginia tech, winners, cool


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