
What is Hons?


Digital appendages affording the owner considerable dexterity and manipulative abilities, located at the ends of the forearms and comprising of 5 digits each.

The teacher spoke harshly to Sandy who had adopted a somewhat lazy posture "Gonnae ston up straight Sandy ya wee shite and take yer hons oot a yer poakets".

Hey Boaby, gonnae gies a hon hoddin up these laddirs?

"Hons that dae dishes can be soft as yer face - wi' mild green Fairy Liquid."

See hands, paws


A third-person possessive pronoun used when the gender of a person is unknown or when the person is a blend of genders such as a transvestite.

Jhe forgot hons earrings.

See jhe, hon, honself, it



My hons are at the end of my arms.


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