What is Hot Child In The City?


A homosexual male that originates from New Jersey. Hot child in the city is extremely gay, so gay that most women consider him to be a female; this is caused by the fact he carries purses, wears stilettos and dreams of being promiscuous female celebrities. Hot Child in the City can be nice but is made of fun because of his gay cancer like qualities; he also possesses the most awkwardly shaped body in the history of mankind.

Danielle: Hey Mario your best friend is coming

Mario: Gay cancer or hot child in the city?

Hot Child in the City: (talking on his cell phone) You sexy slut I have been waiting all day for you to get back to my ass, you skanky slutty bitch!

Mario: HoT ChILd in tHe ciTY!

See queen, gay cancer, gay, homo, stiletto, sexy


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