What is Huevos?
Based on context, could either mean "testicles" or, eggs. However, people tend to be unclear with this at times...
He did not have the huevos to prepare any huevos. Go suck a huevo.
The word means "eggs," but the reference to "balls" is so strong that you have to watch out using the word at all. Polite girls would probably order blanquillos (little white things) from a male waiter.
Huevos son lokin'!.......
testicles, balls, nuts, etc. in spanish
Man's family jewels
word is spanish (was referring to chicken eggs)but over time changed to a male's nuttz. Huevos is as destructive as Cojones (dick + nuttz)
a more gentle version is Pelota(ball)
My Huevos was bouncing off of her chin as my bone went in and out of her mouth
Eggs in Spanish, but commonly used to describe testicles.
While boning doggy-style, the male finds much delight when his woman does a reach-around and gently toys with his huevos.
Balls, testicals, the "lower regions", the love clangkers, etc.
Since he shaves his huevos, he uses "HUEVOS SPLASH," an aftershave for those who shave their huevos.
In spanish: A slang term for the word testicles, in english balls. The literal definition in English is eggs, but everyone time is say huevos in my spanish class i get into trouble. (This word is more practical than the english: balls, because of the fact that my testicles are not in the shape of a ball or any sort of nut, but in the shape of an egg..thanks Mexicans!)
Si usted desea el dinero, uno debe aspirar mis huevos
If you want the money, one must suck my eggs(balls, testicles, nuts etc.)