
What is Hufflepuff?


Founded by Helga Hufflepuff.

One of the four 'houses' at Hogwarts.

Usually consists of the most friendly and hard-working students.

Their mascot is the badger.

Said Hufflepuff, "I'll teach the lot, and treat them just the same"

~Taken from The Sorting Hat's New Song (OotP)


The underestinated house in Harry Potter books, filled with loyal, patient, hard workers who also know how to have fun and act utterly crazy. Even if they're not as sexy as those in Gryffindor.

Hufflepuff has the best furniture of all the houses!


Although a well known house of Hogwarts, an individual Hufflepuff is a mysterious creature. Nobody is quite sure what it is, exactly, but they are often said be great finders.

1. "What the hell is a Hufflepuff?"

See hufflepuff, harrypotter, hp


1. The lamest house in all of Hogwarts.

If you're not brave, smart, or an asshole; you're sorted into this house by default.

2. To be a complete antisocial nerd.

"50 points from Hufflepuff for playing Dungeons and Dragons during Potions class!" said Professor Snape, causing an acne-covered young wizard to burst into tears.

Pretty much everyone on the internet is a Hufflepuff.

See harry potter, hogwarts, slytherin, ravenclaw, gryffindor, dork, nerd, geek


"HufflePuff" is one of the many names of a well known forum troll in Israel. Claiming to be a teenage female, her famous haunting place are the Computer Hardware forums of

Her behavior includes: General trolling, trying to prove her superior intellect (And failing miserably), judging other people's fashion sense, trying to acquire a picture and an MSN nickname of every forum member and in general having no life.

Known aliases: Hifflepuff, Cassandra, Hassandra, Comeundone, and many others too numerous to count. She has been banned more times than anyone can count, but always finds a way to get back onto the forums and keep trollin'.

HufflePuff: "Too bad you guys are so pale, I want to see real men here (That is, tanned !)."

HufflePuff: "You look like a caveman with all that hair !"

HufflePuff: "Wow, much hair on your chest ! You gotta remove it quick !"

See hufflepuff, cassandra, gamer, no life, troll


The semen filled flatulence that results from anal sex.

I did this girl in the butt, and I nut in her butt, and then she Hufflepuffed all over my leg.

See ravenclaw, gryffindor, slytherin, hogwarts, harry potter


the name of my pipe

the house in harry potter that sorta sucks ass, because they dont really do much and they sorta just sit around on their asses until the 4th book where they start kicking ass in the quidditch matches and shit, and then this dude cedric from hufflepuff dies like a little bitch and hufflepuffs sorta suck again

"yo man break out hufflepuff"~K

"hellz yeah, that shit is noice!"~E


"all hail hufflepuff!"~cedRIC


See ruca


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