
What is Hull?


hull is a very misunderstood city, sitting on the mouth of the river humber. Hull has a reputation for being a "pit of filth" to quote another definition of it. however if these so called critics bothered to go to Hull and actually look around it's beautiful historical buildings, docks, museums and city centre, instead of reading a book published by a man who himself loves Hull but who works for a company who dislike it, they would find that the common opinion of the city is very wrong.

i admit that there are many many people in Hull who embarass the city and deserve to be labelled what they are. but everybody is different and it takes many different families, services and cultures to make a city and thats what Hull has. if you look beyond the teenage pregnacies and the council estates, you will most definatly find that the majority of Hull people are nice, kind, intellegent, friendly, hard working people who don't judge people who live in other cities by the few that let the city down.

If the rest of the country stopped listening to mass produced rubbish and rumour and took the time out of their narrow minded lives to visit Hull they may find themselves suprised.

"Hull a misunderstood city"

See Jenni


Hull - A city largely populated by the friendliest people in the country, probably a major factor as to why they allow themselves to be ridiculed by others. Having lived in a number of places around the country, London, Surrey, Berkshire and Hull I would like to challenge bastard-bill in his attempt to slate the city. I wonder has he actually researched the city, let alone spent any time here looking at the place? Far from being a city of 1950's buildings, junk food, and no culture, the city is actually home to an array of splendid buildings, especially from the very early eighteen hundreds as well as some award winning modern buildings. The city has a warm feel with a culture of outdoor dinning in any of the many trendy cafe bars which are found in and around the city center.

In response to the suggestion that there are no shops to speak of, well, come and look for yourself. Hull boast 2 shopping centers, soon to be 3 with the Ferensway Redevelopment, and a whole host of highstreet shops in between. In fact, I think the only thing Hull doesn't have is an Ikea store, and for that I commend the city for being able to keep them at bay for so long! Now, in the interest of fairness, Hull does have it's fair share of 'townies', as bastard-bill so eliquently put it, but I think anyone would be hard pressed to find a city in britain that doesn't. Simply, we have no more and no less than anywhere else. Now lets look at drug statistics. Hull apparently has one of the largest populations of drug users in the country, (not that you could tell from wondering around the city), But why? Well it is infact because Hull is considered to have the best drug rehabillataion programmes in the country, and people with drug problems are sent here to be treated from all over England. I appologise for not going into further detail as to why Kingston Upon Hull is not actually the shittiest city in the country, but unlike our friend bastard-bill, I have much more pressing things to be getting on with. However, I would like to leave you with this. I have lived in London, it's worse than Hull. I have spent time in Manchester, it's worse than Hull. I have had the misfortune of spending a week in Liverpool, and guess what, it's worse than Hull. I could go on, Leeds, Edinburgh, such beautifull cities yet scared by the people who live there. Every city I have visited has it's merits, and it's downfalls. Hull is a far cry from being the worst of the British cities or even the English cities. I think the problem with people today, people like bastard-bill, (the name says it all), is that they have far too much time on their hands, no actuall knowlege or experience of the world around them, and a great deal of anger because of this. Naturally they want to releive their boredom and vent that anger, but because of their lack of knowledge, and very probably a great deal of laziness, they look for the easy target. After all, it's easier to jump on someone else's band-wagon, rather than get up of your arse and find out for yourself, isn't it bastard-bill?


Kingston Upon Hull

Hull FC

Hull Kingston Rovers

Hull City AFC

See hull, ull, kingston, upon


Tough working class city, no nonsense attitude, people will talk to you at bus stops, fish, patties, tattoos, but mainly.. CHARACTERS yeah read it again! CHARACTERS.

"urgh Hulls horrible, its full of chavs and teenage mums"

Yeah but we are proud people something a lot of you anti Hull brigade probably lack in your sterile little so called lives.

"Ive been to Hull and didnt catch crabs" Go on go sell the t-shirt on ebay.


hull is full of uneducated townies who live off of welfare and talk (very amusingly, i might add)without any "h"s and use some truly inspired slang. the city is dirty, decorated with graffiti, and has a huge teenage pregnancy/homelessness/crime rate.

however, hull is also home to beautiful historical buildings, an incredible shopping center made of glass, and some of the best fish and chip shops known to england. it also harbors those passionate about being different and working in an underprivileged city to make something out of it. places such as ella street and the surrounding houses, princes quay, newland avenue, and the park next to newland avenue, redeem hull. not to mention the wide variety of people and situations that you will find in hull.

i lived in hull for the first 14 years of my life, and i had my house robbed three times and my bike stolen 8.

however, my mum was a single mother (NOT teenage) and a teacher with little money, and the people she met all helped her out and i still remember them now as being the nicest, most caring people i have ever met. when you live somewhere like hull people tend to pull together to become something. for example, every year i was there they organized for the roads to be blocked as a protest to save the enviroment, and all day there would be organized games and crafts for the little kids.

by the way, my mother managed to pull herself out through the help of the people who lived in that so-called "shit hole" and we now live in america. i look back on hull with fond memories.


Hull, a classic model of a Northern city, is the home of:

- one of the best football and two rugby teams in England

- forward thinking politicians (no, John Prescott isn't cool; who said he had to be?)

- a twin town of Sierra Leone to commemorate our part in the abolition of slavery and the need to help others get a better life

- the "bridge to nowhere" but it's a hell of a feat of engineering

- sky

- a thriving arts culture

- improving schools (68% A-Cs at the school I work at this year)

- a flat landscape ideal for cyclists and wheelchair users

- an 'alternative' culture.

- the most unique accent in Britain - a fun game is to spot a Hull accent on national TV and radio. Rare things are usually loaded with kudos!

Hull is just the right size for a city - big enough to get lost in, small enough to know lots of friends.

See hull, alternative, north


i have read all of your definitions and i have to say - all but one are very VERY misunderstood.

I have lived in Hull all of my life, and to be honest- i wouldnt want to live anywhere else. London is too busy, dirty, smelly, hectic and the londoners i've seen, heard or met are deprived alcoholic chavs, ghetto wannbes, or snooty arrogant two faced people with their head far far up their arses.

Many have described the hull people as chavs with no brain, no money, and no or little worth home. well no way am i like that! you people who think you know about hull, when in actual fact you dont live there and are biased actually know nothing. there are chavs, and if you want chavs, the small area Orchard Park is THE place to be. But as for the rest of hull, they are either 'trendies', 'emo', 'punk',

'mosher', or 'goth'. the number of chavs are actually dying out in hull since affordable fashions have become available and the people who live on Orchard Park can afford to be 'trendies'. Those that class themselves as chavs nowadays are ones that put on the 'ugogh meaeaaaaate'voice are actually wannabes. the level in violence has gone down in Hull by the Hull people themselves. the last three fights i have seen where by immigrants that have been allowed in to Hull. Hull has a multicultural environment in which people recieve immigrants and other cultures well and i myself have many asian, black and chinese friends since going to secondary school.

people also tend to complain about gangs in Hull. the truth is, the people of hull are VERY downtoearth unlike the majority of the country, and always stick together, and stick up for their friends, and like making new friends which is why you see them in big groups. i myself am 'emo-alternative' and i have hundreds of friends, chavs, moshers, goths, trendies, emos, punks, hardcores, the people of hull dont realy care how you appear, its who you are, and this makes hull different from other places, the fact that one teenager can actually know around 500 hull teenagers and that is quite alot.

I have to say, when i visit other places, such as York, Mansfield, Nottingham, Leeds, Kent, London- i cant help but dislike them. this is partly to do with the people that live there, the shops there, and the fact that in hull, people are always welcoming and caring. in hull, you get to make friends and acquantencies in shops, clubs, and everyone is linked in some way or other such as brothers, sisters, friends, relatives, its actually a really fun place to live. and so what if some of it is grey and dull? we did get bombed heavily in the war and as seen as the tite bastards in london take everything for themselves because thats what they're like in london- selfish- hull never got rebuilt, meaning that the daft londoners decide to slate it- all the time. i HATE london and would never live there. have you SEEN the STATE of it??? murders, council estates, CHAVS, 'ghetto gangsters' rapes, all kinds of bad things- at a massive rate.

and as for the people of hull are 'thick'?? excuse me?! at the age of 8 i had an IQ of 148 so think of something else to diss about. hull may not look good, but who gives a shit, as long as the people who live there, born and bred, are happy- afterall, its the people of Hull who make Hull- and if we're proud of it- so who gives a fuck what you think?

no example needed. if you read the description, you'll get the jist.


The body of any type of ship.

"He has so many barrels of drugs stored in his ship's hull it is not even funny."


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