
What is Idiocracy?


A satirical film directed by Mike Judge released in 2006 starring Luke Wilson and Maya Rudolph in which <spoilers> Joe Bauers (Wilson), an Army librarian, is judged to be absolutely average in every regard, has no relatives, has no future, so he's chosen to be one of the two test subjects in a top-secret hibernation program. He and hooker Rita (Rudolph) were to awaken in one year, but things go wrong and they wake up instead in 2505. By this time, stupid people have outbred intelligent people; the world is (barely) run by morons--and Joe and Rita are the smartest people in America

Guy #1: Dude, did you see Idiocracy yet?

Guy #2: Go away, I'm batin'!

See idiocracy, mike judge, george bush


1) A government that repeatedly makes bad decisions, resulting in worsening conditions for the country it runs. 2) A government run by an intellectually challenged leader. 3) A government full of cabinet members that couldn't find their asses with both hands and a flashlight. 4) A government consisting of people where if they were to pick their noses for a half hour, their heads would cave in.

I can't believe the idiocracy we elected to run our country.


Main Entry: id•i•o•cra•cy

Pronunciation: 'i-dE ä-kr&-sE'

Function: noun

Inflected Form(s): plural -cies

Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ydiote, from Latin idiota ignorant person, + -cratie -cracy

1 : a body of foolish or stupid nonelective government officials b : a foolish or stupid administrative policy-making group

2 : government characterized foolish functions, adherence to stupid and ineffective rules, and a hierarchy of incompetent authority

3 : a system of administration marked by foolish officialism, or stupid red tape, and endless errors in judgement.

George Bush presides over an Idiocracy of his own design.

See idiot, government, bureaucracy, foolish, incompetent


Idiocracy is democracy gone wrong through idiocy. It is the unfortunate situation where the vote of a person ignorant of even the most basic of facts surrounding an issue or candidate counts exactly as much as the vote of someone who is well-informed about the specific issue or candidate.

In an idiocracy the vote of someone who says for example, "I won't vote for Obama because I heard he is a known terrorist and doesn't like Italian food" counts as much as the vote of someone who makes an effort to find out exactly where the presidential candidates stand on various issues. It's democracy gone wrong through idiocy. Another example is "I won't vote for McCain because I heard he has Alzheimers and has already spent time in a nursing home."

See democracy, ignorant, vote, idiocy, fact


It is a society in the future that is full of illiterate idiots. They are lazy, dirty & the citizens have forgotten every form of good education, making them stupid douche bags.

Tuck: Dude this place is retarded. It's madness! No..its idiocracy & it must be fixed.

Mike: I'll fix your face..with my..fist.....ASS. SHUT UP!

See idiot, fist, ass, shut up, idiocracy, freakadeak


the act of being a idiot.Displaying ignorance in a large crowd.People who display idiocracy usualy have few friends and make corny jokes.

dylons mom woud not tolerate his idiocracy in front of ther guests.

See stupid, ignorance, dumb, embarrassing, pointless


A government by idiots.

The current administation screws up everything it does, it's a real idiocracy.

See bush administration, jerks


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