What is Ifs?
Independant Front Suspension.
I keep breaking my cv axles with this damn independant front suspension.
I fucking suck.
Ufs, ifs, we all fucking suck.
Incredibly Fucking Stupid
This acronym is commonly used in internet forums and chat rooms.
"How do you know if water is wet?"
I fuckin swear
ifs i saw this here before
Person with IFS:
IRL: Hey man let's go back to my place and watch the game, I hope the (local team name here) win!
On the web: lol! do u want to come over n watch the game? lmao its gona b such a kewl game! lol
Similar to
Help me! I have serious IFS with my best friend since 7th grade and I don't know how to tell her to shut the hell up without hurting her feelings.
Idiot Freaks. All of those people with no common sense who act as if they know what they are doing. Who try to communicate with others, ie you and me , in an attempt to feel normal and part of the human race. You may not know if you are an IF, but you have surely been affected by one or more in your lifetime.
Ifs try to turn left from the right hand lane without a signal and then flip off the person who they cut off.
Ifs push an empty stroller in Disneyland and there is no child in sight.
Ifs read this on a Friday night.