
What is Infatuation?


Infatuation consists of people thinking they are in love but when indeed it is just a deep lust or like for another person.

Infatuation sucks.


01-Infatuation is liking everything about a person, and seeing them as perfect. you do not see their flaws, just overlook them and act like they are perfect.

02- Not to be confused as lovein which you see their flaws, and just accept them.

03-Also not to be confused with lustwhich is purley physical attraction.

01- I am filled with infatuation for my older sisters boyfriend.

02- I love my boyfriend of seven years, despite his many flaws.

03- That lifeguard has a yummy body. I lust for him to fuck me.

See lexxy


All-encompassing, gut-wrenching, soul-draining activity that only requires the active involvement of one individual: the obsessor. A second individual is required for the peripheral need of providing the obsessor with an object of needless, unappreciated, possibly unwanted, often unwarranted affection. The second invididual may or may not be aware of his/her peripheral involvement, and may or may not be willing to be peripherally involved: the object's awareness and/or willingness of being an object of desire is of no consequence to the obsessor.

The innocent girl lost her sensibility due to her infatuation with the nice boy, who was in constant denial of the entire situation.


When infatuated, we are thrilled, but not happy, wanting to trust, yet suspicious. There are lingering, nagging doubts about our “partner in infatuation” and their love for us.

We’re miserable when they’re away, almost like we’re not complete unless we’re with them. It’s a rush and it’s intense. It’s difficult to concentrate. And most infatuation relationships have a high degree of sexual charge around them.

His wife's love for him knew no bounds but his infatuation with Wendy rivalled that love

See noun, infatuation, infatuated, lust, love


Infatuation almost can equate to lust. It is NOT love nor being in-love, however both usually start off as an infatuation. Infatuation is only an attraction for another person based only on what you initially see and not what you know about them. You do NOT know that person yet. It is only an attraction to someone based on what you WANT them to be verses who they really are. Infatuation turns to true love or being "in love" when you have accepted that person for who they are: their background, their weaknesses, their strengths, their character, their spirit, their values, their spirituality, where they are going in life, etc.

To prove the difference between infatuation and love is this: infatuation is what leads to the wedding but it is love that begins when the honeymoon is over and you discover the TRUE person you have married after your disagreements.

Infatuation has N OTHING to do with love because you know hardly anything about that person. It's only a form of immiature "puppy love" that occurs in high school. Infatuation does not last, while love does.

See romance, opposite sex, puberty, krock1dk



The act of obsessing about someone and wanting them only in a fleeting manner... Temporary; not permanent ideas of love and progression within a relationship.

"S.M.B. is "not" infatuated with one M.H.L."

"Rather, S.M.B has permanent ideas of what to do with her..."


A.) When someone believes themselves to be in love, but deep down, knows that it isn't true love.

B.) When someone feels unexplainably strong about a person, but doesn't know/doesn't care to know if it's love or not.

C.) A beyond intense feeling that is on the way to love. You have to be infatuated before it can be real love.

My infatuation with him is insane. I think this might be real.

See love, like, crave, infatuated, insane


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