What is Internet Bitches?
Internet Bitches have been around since the internet has been a normal at home technology. They are bitches that hate their lives and usually join subcultures such as Goths, Punks, and other bitchy groups. They are to afraid to raise their voice at school to those who they hate. So they go on the internet and bitch to other internet bitches, who in turn read each others complaints. Internet Bitches are essentially wusses who believe that raising their voice over the internet and crying with other Internet Bitches is an act of bravery. Internet Bitches often think themselves smarter, or greater than the people the complain about.
"Dear Blog,
Today some asshole wiggers were making fun of me, I was about to say something, but realized that I was late for my chatroom meeting with my internet friends"
internet ,bitch ,goth ,punk
a perfect example of an Internet Bitch is actually a person from my school, though i don't know who it is.
Springfield Township High School In this definition they whine and complain because no one likes them.