
What is Jeek?


A cross between a Jock and Geek. Might be socially inept, but usually muscular and takes various sports. Often has some close friends and gets good grades. Spends life on computer when not working out or playing sports. Rarely recognized due to everyone's snap judgements based on race and height.

I'm a jeek, I have a six pack and mostly A's.


a cross between a jock and a geek, with the empahsis on geek

that lacrosse goalie also writes poems for his girlfriend, he's such a jeek


another way to say dude or bloke

I will see you later peace jeek


(n) a male or female a golden retriever dog that posess a definable occiput(refered to a "cone" or "knowledge bump") on top of their heads which makes them look amusing.

That golden colored dog is a dumb 'ole jeek.

Look at those silly jeek puppies.

See jeek, cone, golden retriever, dog


Geek with a capital J

You absolute fuckin jeek


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