What is Jewrat?
One of the lowest degrees of insult upon one of jewish decent
That bitch beat me in a game, what a jewrat.
Chris and Micheal are playing video games.
Chris: "not beating me today."
Micheal then proceeds to anniahlate Chris' charater.
Chris throws down the controller: "Fuckin JewRat!"
A person who is Jewish or displays traits commonly attributed to one who is Jewish. This person exhibits greed, selfishness, prejudice toward any non-Jewrats, and a generally hypocritical view toward life. A full-blooded Jewrat will often have a prominently bridged, larger than life nose. Audibly, the Jewrat can be heard from great distance by either jingling pockets or over-annunciated speech, or both.
Jimmy waited outside patiently for Synagogue to end, at which time he tossed a shiny penny into the crowd and watched as the Jewrats tore each other limb-from-limb in an attempt to increase their wealth.
Give me back my dollar you Jewrat!