
What is Jews?


The only people in the world that are simultaneously hated by both the extreme Left and the extreme Right.

Synonym: scapegoat

"The Jews killed Jesus!"

"The Jews control Hollywood!"

"The Jews caused 9/11!"

"The Jews oppress the Palestinians!"

"The Jews ran over my poodle!"


A group of people who seem to be the most hated race on the planet, bar none. Additionally, they also seem to be the race hated for the longest period of time (eons, it seems). Chances are, if you can think of a race, they probably hate Jews too. However, it does appear that the vast majority of people who hate Jews are either from Europe or the Middle East.

Reasons for hating this group of people range from greed (Jews are cheap, they are penny pinchers, etc), ugliness (big nose, ugly hair, etc), and evilness (control everything, looks like the Devil, etc).

The above list ranges from the time to time, but the general traits that makes the list are usually greed and evilness. Oh, and also arrogance. In case you're wondering, certain groups of people believes the Jews are arrogant for believing they're "God's Chosen People", "God's Ancient People", or however you want to say it.

However, ultimately, there is only one thing I can say about all of this: I don't give a damn either way. If you want to hate the Jews, fine. If you don't want to hate the Jews, that's also fine. I don't hate Jews myself but that's because I don't care at all.

1) Wow, everybody in the Middle East hates the Jews!

2) Wow, everybody in Europe hates the Jews!

3) Wow, even the damn United Nations hate the Jews!

4) For the sake of convenience, lets just say everybody in the world hate the Jews.

5) It's a good thing I don't care or else my conscience might be bothered.

See jew, jews, jewish, judaism, kike


Like Christians, but without all that Jesus stuff

"So is their family excited for Christmas?"

"Dude they're Jews"

See jews, jewish, jesus, christian, god


Jews: proving Hitler right since 1945.

Jews own the central banks, hence the entire planet.

See jew, turd, evil, owner, bastards, Jacques Asse


A group of perfectly normal people who hold the Jewish faith. Are God's chosen people (whether you agree or not, I couldn't give a shit). Have been persecuted unfairly by all kinds of people, from Romans to Nazis, but surprisingly enough are still here (suck on that).

Many stereotypical comments are made about Jews, such as their obsession with money, the shape of their noses, etc. but actually it's hardly true.

The discrimination against, and hatred of, the jews is mostly hypocritical, as among other events in religious histories, Muhammad created the Koran based on the Talmud, and Jesus began Christianity in Jerusalem as a part of Judaism (as he was a Jew himself).

Jews have no racist or prejudiced feelings towards anyone of any race or religion, so get very offended when started on or attacked, shouted at or discriminated against for no reason, whether it be on the news or on the street.

Chav, pointing at Jewish teenager in the street: "JEW JEW JEW!!!!!!"

Jew: "Yes, I know. Do you think that offends me??? Dumb shit."

Ignoramus: "Jews control the world, are responsible for 9/11, and the Holocaust was a made-up story to get sympathy from the rest of the world so they could MAKE MORE MONEYYYYY"

Jew: "Yep. Okay. Do I even need to argue with this guy? What an idiot. Go home, redneck"

Biased news channel: "The Israeli army have just begun a totally illegal offensive against the Palestinians, who only fired 60 rockets into Haifa yesterday, killing 48 people. The IDF responded by blowing up a Hamas leader's house. Digsusting."

See jew, racism, israel, jesus, ignorance


Something you blame something.

1) "Ow. I just stubbed my toe. The Jews must be behind this."

2) "My microwave toaster oven just broke, it must have been the Jews."

3) "My dog just died, this must be the work of the Jews."

4) "I just got my license suspended, the Jews are behind this."

5) "I wet my bed, this is because of the Jews."

6) "My hard drive froze because of the Jews."

7) "I almost drowned in a swimming pool, this is the Jews' doing."

8) "I was 15 minutes late to work because of the Jewish religion."

9) "I'm allergic to cats due to there being Jews."

10) I didn't shower today and now I smell because of the Jews.

See scapegoat, religion, culture


A race of people who control White nations such as America, Europe, etc they also control the media, the government, and the economy and other enclaves. They want to destroy the White gene pool by opening the borders, race mixing, diversity. Only critical thinkers, people who observe both sides of issues, and truth seekers can see what these monsters are doing to once White nations. Once all the White nations are made up of 98% tan skinned, wide nosed, whooly haired, slanted eyed people and 2% racially pure Jews they that Ultra mixed race people will make Jews their leaders. Jews were kicked out 109 times from Europe because of the Usury and other crimes they did to the Host population. Currently they want Whites exterminated through Multiculturalism, and mass immigration. In the Talmud it is written that Jews are the enemies of all Gentiles meaning they hate everyone. The commited crimes against Blacks by spearheading the Slave Trade which was Proved in the book "The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews", They also harmed the East by introducing Communism, and they have done countless crimes towards humanity expecially towards Whites. They want to destroy the Islamic religion because those people are aware of their Horror. I dont hate Jews I just want them out of the U.S.A permanently. They are the true Supremacists because they always tell us "We are God's chosen people"

The Jews were responsible for WW1(Benjamin Freedman spech), USS Liberty, lavon affair, Columbine Massacre(Trench coat mafia all Jewish kids), Cold War, unrest in the Middle East, Creating central banks(Rothschild supremacy), Zionism, and much much more

See jews, supremacy, war, banks, rothschild


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