
What is Jilk?



1) A femalejock.

2) A chick who excels in athletics but isn't very bright and is somewhat an airhead.


1) Act of a guy losing to a girl1on1 in a sport.


Me: See that jilk over there?

Friend: Yea I recognize her. She practically lives in the fucking gym man. I hear she plays soccer,softball,basketball,tennis and does karate.

Me: She's dumb as rocks, but I bet she can beat your ass in most sports!


Me: Ha ha, what a loser! I can't believe that girl jilked you. You must feel like an idiot losing 1on1 like that to a girl in basketball.

Friend: Yea, I pretty much hate my life right now.

See jock, female, chick, girl, tomboy, athletic, dumb


(1) a combination of Jizz/Milk.

(2) Jew Milk.

(3) a girl by the name of Jill K's abreviation of her name in a clever way.

(1) "I got jilk."

(2) so when i finally left her, i had a cup of jilk.

(3) myspace/voiceindadark

See jilk, greebo, milk, got


to spell the alphabet wrongly


See milk, alphabet, spelt, wrongly, jilk


Combination of the words jizz and milk.

The act of rubbing any one of your fingers across someones upper lip in order to demean them.

Can be increased my useing an injured or grossly abnormal finger.

Created in L.A.

"He looked so retarded after I Jilked him...he couldn't even speak!"

"everybody laughed at him after I Jilked him"

See gilk


If you actually type this in, you are a moron.

You're a moron.


Ian hates me.

Dan you jilk


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