
What is Jmn?


Among scale modeling hobbyists, JMN is an acronym for Joyless Modeling Nazi(sometimes Zealot, making JMZ). JMNs are too obsessed with exact details and accuracy to actually enjoy their hobby. As a result, they are usually unhappy, arrogant, elitist, judgemental, and seldom actually finish any models. The term was coined among aircraft modelers, but the term applies to other genres, particularly Armor and Sci-Fi modeling. Although certain online forums are known for being JMN hangouts, they can be anywhere.

Things a JMN would obsess over.


Luftwaffe(RLM) paint-matching.

MesserschmittMe 109 vs Bf 109.

Expensive aftermarket add-ons for kits.

F-16 ViperBlock number.

Deficiencies in commercially available models.

Details that would be impossible to see in miniature, such as a pilot's eyebrows.

See models, airplanes, messerschmitt, luftwaffe


JMN is a term coined by speculative modeling extraordinaire "The Wooksta!" It is an acronym for Joyless Modeling Nazi.

A JMN is (almost always)a grown adult who dares take plastic models seriously; having forgotten what was fun about it to begin with. They have all the resources and knowledge in the world to become respectable hobbyists, but have the creativity of a free-range garden slug.

JMN behavior can be broadly described as anal retentive, and can stem from insecurity resulting from having a small penis.

JMNs are:

Anyone who can sit through a seminar about Messerschmitt] Bf 109s without falling asleep

A guy who buys more than one Airfix TSR.2 but will only build them in historically accurate paint schemes.

The snooty clerk at the hobby store who faints when you buy a rare OOPAurora model kit from the 1960s only to chop it up and turn it into a flying submarine robot.

Any jerk at a modeling club who says contests are for "Serious Modelers only"(meow)

The nerd who collects video stills from every possible angle of the USS Enterprise-D in order find out where the septic tanks flush out and modify his AMT kit accordingly.

See nerds, penis envy, hobbies, airplanes, sci-fi, nachoman


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