John Thomas

What is John Thomas?


The penis. Usually used in British English, but also sometimes in US.

Sung by Eric Idle in Monty Python. The Meaning of Life (1983): ' Isn't it awfully nice to have a penis / Isn't it frightfully good to have-it-on / It's swell to have a stiffy / It's divine to own a dick / From the tiniest little tadger to the world's biggest prick / So, three cheers for your Willy or John Thomas / Hooray for your one-eyed-trouser-snake / Your piece of pork , your wife's-best-friend , your passing or your cock / You can wrap it up in ribbons, you can stuff it in your sock / But don't take-it out in public or they'll stick you in the dock and you won't come back .'


Euphemism for male genitals.

"My, what a John Thomas he has."

See john thomas, wang, schlong, cock


male organ (mostly used in England)

let me introduce you to John Thomas


a soft pretzel, or penis

one jizzy johnny t, please!!

one jizzy john thomas

See jizzy, john, thomas, jizzum


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