
What is Jonsing?


The phrase "jonsing" is believed to originally derive from the Grateful Dead song "Casey Jones":

"Riding that train high on cocaine, Casey Jones you better watch your speed"

"Jonsing" means to be in a state of withdrawl and/or need that next fix. Originally for drugs, but it has come to generally mean any strong craving (for chocolate, sex, coffee, sugar etc.)

"I'm jonsing hard!"

"I quit smoking yesterday and I'm already jonsing"

"Jonsing for carbs"

See jones, addict, drugs, withdrawl


So high, or so totally fucked that the only thing to describe it is jone-sing. Jonsing

Im steady jonsin

u wanna jones it


jones that shit

jones my jones

im so jonesed my jonsed is jonesed

im jonsing

See fucked up, drunk, shitfaced, jones, whister


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