What is Joseph Smith The Founder Of The Mormon Church?


Joseph Smith, Dum, dum, dum, dum, dum!

Joseph smith the founder of the mormon church is gay, i love southpark

See gay, liar, rapist, freak


Joseph Smith, noun.

(American History, Belief, Christianity, Faith; Fayette, New York; Religion)

On this day 176 years ago, April 6., 1830, Joseph Smith founded the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints in Fayette, New York.

Fayette, New York is located in Seneca County between Seneca Lake and Cayauga Lake approxiametly 55 miles South West of Syracuse, New York and near Cornell University in

Ithaca, New York.

Joseph Smith, according to historians, claimed to had visions / Dreams from God giving him guidance to start the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints with its six starting members (seven members including Joseph Smith).

Joseph Smith the founder of the Mormon Church starts church and publishes his book entitled the Book of Mormon on this date 176 years ago of April 6, 1830.

The "Book of Mormon" details allegedly the history of America's original inhabitants.

According to Joseph Smith, this book is a direct translation of golden pages given to him by an angel in the midst of a corn field.

This book, also, claims the errors of man and other churches.

Today, Mormonsaround the world remember this day as a part of their history.

America, the land, where dreams can come true thanks to the American Constitution ordaining freedom of beliefs, lifestyle, and speechwithout any form of harm / persecution.

Joseph Smith, on this day, you are saluted for believing in the American Dream of Freedom and Life.

See belief, christianity, religion


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