
What is Kentlands?


A plaza located in Gaithersburg, Maryland. When one wants to make drug deals, do drugs, have pre-marital sex, drink a 40oz., smoke a black, get into fights, or just have a good ol' slabby ice cream at Marble Slab, this is the place to go. 'Kentlands Rats' are the inhabitants of such a place. Ages ranging from 9 to 25. Most 'Kentlands Rats' never really go home, but sleep under a bench by the fountain. Most don't shower and are very skinny beacuse they've spent all their money on drugs, and can't afford to feed themselves, or take a bus home.

The fountain, which is located behind the row of buildings which includes Marble Slab Creamery and Crepes a Go-Go, is one of the many places you will find the 'Kentlands Rats'. The fountain, which up until recently was polluted with urine, rat corpses, e. coli, algae, vomit, feces, semen, pennies, and myraids of other unidentifiable objects, is the most common place to find the 'Kentlands Rats'.

The fountain is not the only place where you can find the 'Kentlands Rats'. They roam freely around the neighborhoods surrounding the Kentlands. The 420 stairs is one place you find almost all 'Kentlands Rats' at some point in time. There they are able to smoke marijuana freely without confrentation with local authorities. Other places such as Bong Waters and Lakelands Park are not visited as frequesntly due to inability to smoke marijuana because of distance and the local authorities.

Many of the 'Kentlands Rats' don't limit their drug usage to simply marijuana alone. LSD, Magical Mushrooms, MDMA and painkillers, are the most common drugs used next to marijuana. Some less common drugs include PCP, Cocaine, Ketamine and Morphine. Often they will hold parties where all will be on one specific drug. Most common parties are called "Rolling Parties', where attendees all use the drug MDMA, more commonly know as ecstasy. At such parties, attendees often suck on binkies to prevent chewing apart ones lip. Also, they listen to techno music, and play with glowsticks.

In conclusion, when visiting Gaithersburg, Maryland, If you're looking for sex, drugs, and slab ice cream, Kentlands is the place to go.

"at home all there is is troubles and problems but the second u get to kentlnads theres hugs and love u 4 get the problems that trouble u an hour b4 u feel at home for ur NEVER alone.u always feel happy for generosities in the air we have hippie circles to share our fun to hug and laugh and sing and to love one another. this is my real family and i love em to death i would follow each and evry 1 of em to the end nothing could change that not a fight or an awkward secret.pacts and promises and secrets and jokes and the inside what kentlands is all about.if u meet someone new they are instantly there.instantly apart of this amazing family.i love this family this place and especially the love i love the people the hugs and sometimes the sleeepovers.i cant explain how much i do all i can say is i love u"

-Name withheld.

See drugs, hangs, sex


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