
What is Kickban?


A super-secret technique, executed with precision only by the Admins of Counter-Strike.

Its more of a ban, if you fit a stereotype/demographic/label that the admin does not like, your as they say it, kickbanned.

Player has joined the game

Admin: "OMGz! N00b! BAN!"

Sysop has disconnected Player from the game

Player(1) has joined the game

Player(2) has joined the game

AryanPride has joined the game

WhiteLiekTehMastahRace has joined the game

Shotgunner Sam has joined the game

Admin: "Omgz!"

Sysop has disconnected Player(1) from the game

Sysop has disconnected Player(2) from the game

Sysop has disconnected Shotgunner Sam from the game

TotallyOfTehHizzles! has joined the game

Admin: "Out of my game nigger gay-assed fagg0t!"

Sysop has disconnected TotallyOfTehHizzles! from the game


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