Kingdom Hall

What is Kingdom Hall?


The place of worship used by Jehovah's Witnesses where all persons are invited. Many people may think that there are animals sacrifices in Kingdom Halls. This is not true. A Kingdom hall is a sacred place in which Jehovah's Witnesses enjoy 5 meetings a week. They also enjoy spiritual upbuilding and encouragement.

I want to go to the Kingdom Hall so I can get my spiritual food now.

See watchtower, spiritual


What members of the Jehovah's Witness cult call their church just to be different! A perfect summary of their cult teachings in fact! They have to try to be special in every single phase of life! No scriptural reason for it just them being self rightious ass hole cultist!

Hey is that the worlds dumpiest church?

No thats a "kingdom hall"

So it's a fucking church right?

Nope "kingdom hall"

Do you have religious services there?


Do you pray and sing and act like ass holes there?


Then it's a fucking church you idiotic prick!

See adventist, jehovah's witness, bible, god, cult, cultist


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