Know Your Enemy

What is Know Your Enemy?


A new song by the Northern-California based punk rock band Green Day.

The song is very simple-sounding, but very awesome.

It was also played at the beginning on the NCAA basketball championship in April 2009.

"Do you know the enemy?

Do you know your enemy?

Well gotta know your enemy Wha-hur!"

See green day, punk, awesome, badass


A song created and sung by the North- California band "Green Day".

Many people say the song sucks, when it really doesn't. To understand the song you have to actually listen to the lyrics.

It speaks about the second American Revolution against these greed, rich, sons of bitches.

Many lyrics that show this is a political song are

"insurgency will rise"

"gimme, gimme REVOLUTION!"

" well, you gotta know your enemy"

See know, your, enemy, revolution


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