
What is Kosovo?


I don't understand why you serbian people are so nationalist even now. Kosovo has always been an Albanian territory, and are not the Albanians who say this, but every historical book in the world. Albanians are descendants of Illyrians. Illyria's territory reached the Danub river.

The slavs came from today's north Poland, Russia, from Biellorussia, and occupied the Illyrian tribes there where today is Serbia, Bulgary, Macedonia and other slavic people.

They assimilated the illyrian population and formed their own slavic states. Albanians were the only Illirians that rezisted assimilation. You serbs are slavs, you speak slavic, how can you say tha Kosovo, the Ancient Dardhania, an Illyrian tribe, is serbian? They speak albanian language, which is one of the oldest languages, like greek language. Albanian language doesn't derive from any other language.

Serbian language derives from russian, from slavic tribes. How can you say that Kosovo is Serbian?

Go and read some real historical materials, not only serbian propaganda history. You may read all famous encyclopedias on the web, and they say exactly what i quoted here.

Why do you keep on lying and believing nationalists false propaganda?

Go and read some real historical materials, not only serbian propaganda history. You may read all famous encyclopedias on the web, and they say exactly what i quoted here.

Why do you keep on lying and believing nationalists false propaganda? Kosovo is Albanian. There are 2 million habitants in Kosovo, and only 100 000 from them are serbian.

How can it be a serbian territory if that part of Albania was given to Serbia only in 1912, because Serbia had a state, and Albania didn't have one.


See kosovo, ancient, albanian


Kosovo is a province inhabited by Albanians but claimed by Serbs. Funny thing is, there were always very few Serbs there so their claims defy any known logic. Serbs have tried to cleanse Kosovo of Albanians several times throughout the history but they always failed. In 1999 NATO bombed the shit out of Serbs and Serbia for their latest attempts so Kosovo has been relieved of Serbian/Yugoslavian rule ever since and it is about to become an independent country in 2007. In these last few years, Serbs get fucked in and over Kosovo on daily basis.

"Damn, I fucked that bitch so hard, she felt like a Serb in Kosovo."

See kosova, serbs, albanians


a little province south of serbia

as much as people want to say kosovo is not a serbian province.

we could use the same thing to say that USA isnt american because it was inhabited by other kinds of people before. the language of kosovo is ALBANIAN so is therefore an ALBANIAN province, not a serbian province.

proof of this is because long before that war happened kosovo was inhabited by a group of people called ILIRS. these people are the ancsestors of all albanian people, which is why many albanian people are called Ilir. the main tribe that was based in what is now kosovo are called the Dardans. the proof that these people are kosovan anscestors is because there are many albanians called DARDAN. another point that kosovans are not originally serbian is that there is no serbian name that is slavic. Also the land that the Ilirs occupied at the time (roman times - long before that war) covered most of south east europe.

Im sorry to all those serbians out there but serbians arent really popular with kosovans either. if it was serbian then kosovans would be called serbian and would speak serbian.

so all you people claiming that kosovo should be under serbian rule, you people are wrong, serbian control over kosovo has bought nothing but hate, death, war and loads of other bad things...

ALSO despite a history of being at war with other selfish countries they have ALWAYS pulled through


SO, in conclusion KOSOVO is not a province of slavic descent, it is a province of ilir descent (albanian)

NOTE : i have seen the defenitions of the word slavand some of them say that a slav is anyone who come from russia, ukraine, poland, serbia, kosovo etc. please dont make the mistake that kosovo is a slavic province..

Vlad: "where do you come from?"

Ilir: "Kosovo"

Vlad: "Serbia should be able to conrol yo ass!"

*Vlad is pimp-slapped by Ilir"

See kosova, albania, lil soldier, ilir


A new country in the Balkan Peninsula. Declared Independence from serbia on February 17, 2008, after many many years of fighting against fucking serbia.

Kosovo/a is the greatest country alive with the greatest people, except for the serbian asses who wont leave and think that Kosovo/a is serbian....haha stupid idiots.

See kosova, kosovo, dardania, albanian, europe


What belonged to someone until he/she destroyed it and some other person repaired it and the person who use to have the land/object is bitching against the new owner.

Example : Kosovo used to belong to Serbia and

Serbia completely raped Kosovo in the war. So

the Albanians ''repair'' Kosovo and later Kosovo declared independence and Serbia was mad because they used to be a part of Serbia but Kosovo said ''You raped my lands so screw you!'' *Serbia cries*

See serbia, gay, cocksuckers, serbs


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