
What is Lao?


A native inhabitant of the country Laos (Located by the Mekong river)

Lao people are one of the asian minorities.


From the country Laos located in Southeast Asia inbetween Thailand and Vietnam. Laotian is the language spoken. Known for our very spicy foods. Mistakenly, fallen into the category of chink or a gook which is referred to Chinese or Vietnamese peeps not Lao peeps.

Hey man...them Lao peeps always be BBQ'n.

Yo...that thum mak hoong that Lao peeps be making is hella spicy...


Typically meaning masturbating. There is a certain way you write it to sum it up.

Try it yourself! Just grab a piece of paper and a pen and you're off to the races! Follow my lead. Write an uppercase L, then write an uppercase A with the point of the A right on the end of the L, finally write an O on the right leg of the A. Make sure the O is centered on the right leg of the A.




"Dude, I finally got a girlfriend! No more LAO'ing for me!"

See lao, masturbate, whack, jerk, off


1. looks like some stick guy masterbating if you put the letters diagonally.

2.Lao people get mad when they see the masterbating stick guy, and they want to go beat up the person who made that up.

1. Haha! if you put LAO diagonally and put it upside down it looks like a guy masterbating!

2.Lao person: Alright who the fuck made that shit up!? I'm going to beat the crap out of him!!!

See lao, laotian, thai, masterbating, stick, guy, pissed


to jack off also if you write LAO And turn it upside down it will look like a man jacking off

my friend Jeramiah likes to LAO to pix of Jed!


A word mainly used United Kingdom and surrounding areas.

This word, like alot of slang in the UK, has a variety of meanings.

It can mean you disagree with something someone has said, or dont want to do something.

It also means you are not interested in something.

In contrast to this, it can also mean you agree with something, or like something.

Lao is commonly used to express distress or anoyance.

Ben: Oi jake wanna go down the pub?

Jake: Lao that


Jake: ahh laaaooo that girl is bare hot

Ben: lllaaaooo that!


Ben: That work has got to be in tomorrow

Jake: ah lao! i havnt even started it

Ben: ah be orrite

Jake: laolaolao

See lao, fuck, poomplex, derkhead, berk, wasteman, annoyed, fucksake, fit, hot


As We All know theletters LAo upside down and to the left depict someon jacking there tilliwacker....Also The L the A and The O stand for Lube And Orgasm!

Jeramiah still likes to LAO to pictures of Jedidiah.....he even told me a story about it once....LOL!


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