
What is Lbnbl?


love, but not butt love. ex: I love you, but not in a sexual way. (bonus: it is a palindrome)

My old Navy buddy eDawg signs "lbnbl" at the bottom of an email to me. FoodDude says "wtf is lbnbl?" eDawg says "I love ya man...but not 'butt love'." IMPORTANT: This should never be used in a homophobic manner. It should be used as a statement of fact. Also, don't be afraid to tell a friend that you love them.

See love, friend, buddy, affection, feelings


love, but not butt love. ex: I love you, but not in a sexual way. (bonus: it is a palindrome)

My old Navy buddy eDawg signs "lbnbl" at the bottom of an email to me. FoodDude says "wtf is lbnbl?" eDawg says "I love ya man...but not 'butt love'." IMPORTANT: This should never be used in a homophobic manner, just as a matter of fact. Don't be afraid to tell a friend that you love them.

See friend, love, hetro, platonic


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