
What is Library?


A place to borrow books for free. It is not pronounced "lie-berry"

"Hey, I am going to the lie-berry!"

"You're pretty retarded"


An awesome place that is underrated in today's society.

Think about it - where else can you chill in an air-conditioned place, that's quiet, where you can read a cool mag or surf the net, where you can take a nap, check out movies, meet some friends for a game of chess or cards, read about whatever you like, get free bookmarks, talk to some fine librarians, walk around aimlessly, find out how glow-in-the-dark works..... and all for free!

Dude 1: "Man, it's hot and humid outside. There's nothing to do in here. Dang I'm bored."

Dude 2: "How about we go to the library?"

Dude 1: "Man that sounds boring."

Dude 2: "Seriously, just try it. I'll show you some cool stuff over there."

Dude 1: "OK... we'll see."

..............1 month later

Dude 1: "Hey man let's go to the library. Come on man get up."

Dude 2: "But we just came back from there 2 hours ago."

Dude 1: "Dude, that's a long time!"

See books, library, free, reading, internet


A building that enables people to have access to computers, books, magazines, videos, dvds, etc. Where Librarians and Library Support Workers help people find the information they need.

I need more information about the planet pluto than the internet has given me. So, I'm off to the library to do research.

See librarian, research, information, homework


A place where you can borrow CDs, DVDs, software, and books for free! And best of all, you don't have to worry about giving your money to evil greedy organizations such as the RIAA or MPAA OR getting sued by them!

Now that I get all my movies from the library, I don't have to worry about my money going to the MPAA or getting sued by them!

See book, cd, dvd, free


A place that carries books and other media (Newspapers, magazines, CDs, tapes, VHS, DVD, internet, etc) It is also a place where people seem to have sexual fantascies of doing it there.

People keep getting caught having sex in the library's bathroom


The Center area of gloves or mittens where your fingers can meet to warm up especially when outside in the winter. This definition comes from the movie "The Day after tomorrow" when the cold comes and the group of new yorkers go into the library to stay warm.

Rebecca: Hey Zack, I am going to go to the Library.

Zack: I know what you mean; my hands are freezing too.

See cold, books, mittens, gloves, warm


Day shelter for:

a. children without responsible parents

b. recently released adult convicts

As your parole officer, I suggest you spend more time at the library.

See criminal, parole, creepy


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