Lickety Split

What is Lickety Split?


"Lickety split", meaning fast or quickly, apparently arose in the 1830s and 1840s. The origin of the expression isn't totally clear. Similar to stat.

Grandma just slipped on a bananna peel so I have to get her to the hospital lickety split!

See stat, quick, fast, lickety-split


Another word for going down on a woman. To get some lickety split is to eat pussy.

Lickety Split is also the title of a lesbian porn movie.

See pussy, eat, eat out, cunt, eat pussy


Stupid My Little Pony who makes an ass out of herself in the My Little Pony movie. Has buck teeth, has inter-species sex, and dances badly.

Lickety Split sucks hardcore.

Yeah dude, you said it.


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