
What is Literary?


Pertaining to literature.

Also the way stupid people spell "literally" as well as the way AZNs say the world.

Dumb guy writing something: Aryan literary means noble in Persian.

See literary, dumb-ass, literally


The highest honour awarded to garbage collectors and street cleaners. (see also Literary Agent)

Bob won the Literary award for having the cleanest street in London.

See dustman, award, rubbish, litter, littering


Another word for a high school english teacher, or a university humanties professor. Used commonly amongst politcians, in order to segment them as a minority group.

John Howard: "I'm rather - acquainted with the - literaries at the - University of - Canberra."

Kim Beazely: "I sincerely doubt that, prime minister, as there is no longer a University of Canberra since you proposed the bill in question last month!"

John Howard: "......."

Kim Beazely: "I'm sorry prime minister? What was that?"

John Howard: "......this man is - trying to corrupt me!"

Kim Beazely: "Oh, god!"


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