What is Living Off The Government Tit?


Literally, a low life that is able bodied, yet lives off government assistance. I.E. Welfare, WIC, Food Stampsetc. etc.

In the film Forrest Gump, Forrest asks Lt. Dan what he's doing now when he sees him for the first time after they arrive home. Lt. Dan, who has lost both legs and is confined to a wheelchair, states, "Living off the government tit."

The phrase is a reference to Lt. Dan's receiving a monthly stipen for the loss of his lower limbs.

In recent years, the term has a negative connotation and is often used to describe healthy welfare recipients that are able to work but choose not to because they are satisfied with their welfare checks for doing nothing.

The people living off the government tit are the largest voter pool for the democratic party.

Living off the government tit is free ride for people who realize government cheese is preferable to gainful employment.

See poor, lazy, ghetto, project, government cheese, white trash, nigger, food stamps, black, unemployed, trailer, trash, loser, nigga, bum, republican, money, government, chav, whore, redneck, pelosi, poverty, liberal, drugs, democrat, white, socialism, parasite, niggers, dirty, broke, work, unemployment, stupid, skank, shit, racism, obama, mullet, mexican, jerry springer, cheese, fat, check, baby daddy, wigger, trailer park, section 8, pregnant, negro, mexicans


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