
What is Lmsr?


An acronym for Lick My Shit Ring.

Usually used for smack talk to another person, on a video game, or in real life.

Seldomly used,

An insult.

Ex: 1 (Video Game Situation)

Player 1: Haha! You noob!

Player 2: Son, keep it up...

Player 1: what is that noob??

Player 2: Just go ...

Player 1: Go where? to your mom's? I'm already there!

Player 2: LMSR

Player 1: What?

Player 3: Pwned

Ex 2: (Real Life Situation)

Boss: Excuse me, John, can you come here for a sec?

John: Yes Boss?

Boss: If you could go clean the bathroom and help out with these reports, it would be just great.

John: Hell No Boss! LMSR!

Boss: Whats that?

Steve: Pwned!

See lmsr, lick, my, shit, ring, owned, pwned, noob


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