
What is Lof?


Lake of fire, as in the biblical second death. Used when someone tells a joke that is dirty and you want to laugh but you know you shouldn't.

Person 1- "That's what she said"

Person 2- LOF

See lof, lol


LoF(Legit of Future) is an abbrevation used in MMORPG MapleStory to describe a character that is not wearing any Nexon cash items or just looks plain hacker. Usually these characters are hacked to high level and now are played "Legitly" Most of the lof's are warriors but any class can be a potential lof.

Walde12 and skiliz0rs are real lof's

Dam, these lof's are stealing my ch.

See lof, maplestory, mmorpg, game, maple, story


LOF - a gaming term meaning, Large Organised Force.

See also LOFing.

Player 1: Is the raid ready yet?

Player 2: Yep, just forming the LOF now.

See lofing, mo, mmorpg, zerg


Depending on the context and/or added punctauation, "lof" can mean a variety of things. Below are several common usages.

1. "Lof?" -

-A: A shortening of the phrase "Literally or figuratively?"

2. "Lof" -

-A: (Note the lack of a question mark in this instance) A cute spelling of "love." Sometimes spelled "Loff," "Luf," "Luv," or "Lurve." (Lots of these, I won't list them all).

-B: "Laughing on floor." See: rofl lol lofl

-C: "Lord of Flamers", Given to those with exceptional skill at flaming See: Flamer troll flaming


<Tinglystix> Awww man, I'm so fucked.

<SmokinHotDuby> Lof?

<Tinglystix> Figuratively: I accidentally put a huge dent in my dad's car.


<Tinglystix> Aye loff yu! :P

<xXkinkynikkyXx> I lurves you too!


<xkdubycd> Okay, so, three guys walking down the street. Two of them walk into a bar. The other one ducks.

<Tinglystix> Lof!


<InnocentBystander> *Blah blah blah blah*

<InnocentBystander2> *Blah blah blah?*

<Troll2007> Dude, what are you talking about? That's so gay, faggot!

<InnocentBystander> /me cries

<SunshineLynny> Don't listen to Troll2007, That guy's just a lof.

See lof, loff, luf, lurve, luv, rofl, lol, lofl


LOF - Lots Of Farts, originated from LOL but spoken by a true idiot.

<Dumpy> LOL means Lots Of Farts

<jesstech> LOL... er i mean LOF!

<dawm> hahaha


Lord of Flamers. Especially that guy PsychoLoF.

"Damn, that flamer's name is LoF"


1) Lord of the Flamers

2) a shortening of the word 'love'

1) d00d, that fucking guy is a total lof.

2) lof the bear.


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