Loonghi Boy

What is Loonghi Boy?


To be of high class, good looking and have swagger. Only used to described males.

Loonghis are a middle eastern piece of clothing only used by upper class males. The term 'Loonghi Boy' was derived from this.

Fiona: hey its fiona, are you with raj?

Raj's friend: what are you his girlfriend?

Fiona: yes

Raj's friend: no way you could be dating that loonghi boy.

Girl 1: oh man i had just had wild sex with this hottie last night

Girl 2: was he really that hot?

Girl 1: he may as well be a loonghi boy

Guy 1: Man i wish i was loonghi boy material

Guy 2: Me too guy 1, me too.

See boy, brotherhood, swagga, sexy, hot, good, looking


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