
What is Lostie?


1.The people who were on Oceanic 815 when it crashed. *Note: The people who were in the tail section of the plane are called "tailies"*

2.Someone who is completely obsessed with LOST.

1.Jim:Who is that guy ?

Sara:That's Dr.Jack Shephard, He's a lostie.

2.Johnny:Who is that girl? She knows everything there is to know about LOST!

Lucy: Oh, that's Lindsay. She's a total lostie!

See lost, jack, obsession


1.The people who were on Oceanic 815 when it crashed. *Note: The people who were in the tail section of the plane are called "tailies"*

2.Someone who is completely obsessed with LOST.

1.Jim:Who is that guy ?

Sara:That's Dr.Jack Shephard, He's a lostie.

2.Johnny:Who is that girl? She knows everything there is to know about LOST!

Lucy: Oh, that's Lindsay. She's a total lostie!

See lost, oceanic


1. Someone who gets confused easily or unable to give reasons or explanations to something obvious or able.

2. It can also mean a person who mentions something then suddenly loses focus at what was being said or unable to cope or understand the situation or meaning.

I have a friend Rowena, she started talking about something then forgot what she was talking about, haha such a "lostie"

but then again she is very beautiful. and that makes up for it.lol

See lost, lostie, losties, los


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