What is Louisiana Tech University?


A university located in Ruston, Louisiana.

Ruston itself is an empty, po-dunk town with nothing to offer. The most promising part of Ruston is Louisiana Tech. However, La Tech (as it can be called) mistakes itself as something amazing since it is the only thing within Ruston. So, La Tech is a school full of rednecks that believe themselves to be elitists and geniuses.

Tech is also often changed into an acronym meaning

"Transsexuals Enjoying Cocks Hourly"

person 1: "Look at that douchebag, he thinks he's hot shit"

person 2: "Yea, he must go to Louisiana Tech University."

person 1: "They are definitely T.E.C.H. people."

person 2: "Yea, homos! I saw one of them getting it hard from behind yesterday behind the WAC"

See lau, tech, university, douchebaggery, college


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