
What is Lovepoot?


The lovepoot is a simple emoticon: <3~

Originally taken from the common heart emoticon, <3, used to show love for a specific thing, person, event, or other identity, the lovepoot is thought to have been first created sometime in 2004. It was created to express love for life, the universe, and everything, and may be used just in the same manner as the common, simple <3 is. Simply typing <3~ shows "LOVEPOOT!" has verbally been declared on occasion.

One look at the lovepoot shows it is an emoticon of three parts:


is the first piece of a lovepoot, the first piece of the common <3. It's where the magic begins. The poot itself is rumbling in the bowels of the heart and will spew forth from...


the other half of the <3 emoticon and the 2nd piece of the lovepoot, where the fruits of our conquest will take shape in the form of...


Lastly, The Pooter. This is the essence of what makes the lovepoot so special. After signifying the initial <3, one simply adds The Pooter to make a lovepoot known. If a lovepoot is received directed towards you, this means yes, someone loves you. Someone really does love you.

More poots may be added if you feel that the love expressed in one poot is not sufficient enough.

Never should a Lovepoot be portrayed "backwards" ~<3 because this is a Lovepuke, or Heart Balloon. It is a rancid, fake form of affection. There is also the Hatepoot </3~ which is used to express sincere upset or dislike. It is not as powerful as a Lovepoot, but should be used sparingly.

It should also be noted that "Pooter" and "The Pooter" have two entirely different meanings, so when referring to the anatomy of a Lovepoot "The" must always be capitalized and included.

"will you marry me?"


See love, <3, emoticon, heart


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