
What is Luv?


A casual way of saying you really like someone without freaking them out by saying I love you. Commonly used by people early on in relationships, where it is too soon to say I love you.

Luv may develop into love but it is not love.

{Dating for two weeks...Text Message}

Guy: Meet you after work,luv, Bob.


Spec. used by teenagers

1. n. A less serious form of love

2. abr. Short for love

1. I luv u gurl

2. Text Message: hey baby cu l8r, luv bob


Term of vague affection, usually of the working class, intended towards someone of the opposite sex. Normally relatively meaningless. Common in Northern England, esp. Yorkshire (but also popular in southern and central Scotland); most other users are ex-pats.

"That'll be three pound seventy six for a glass of water, luv"

"Y'alright luv?"

See pet, darling, dear, love, sweetheart, squeaky


Mild version of love, describing good feelings for someone often for freinds on un serious partners. Love is considered to be deeper and stronger, luv is the mild version.

Luv ya, bye

See Matt


A weak and feeble abrieviation of the word "Love". "Luv" is used a lot in text messages, MSN and myspace and is a clever disguise that fools mainly women into thinking their partner "Loves" them. Luv appears to be love, but is in fact a common shortcut to sex, handjobs, blowjobs, and money. Many people say luv is a softer version of the word love, but is in fact a smokescreen. A lot of trendies and footballers use it to pull extremely attractive girls, a difference in pronunciation is almost identifiable

See Jojo's video "A Little Too Late" to see what happens when "Luv" is found out

See luv, love, sex, romance, trendy


a pussy way of saying love, for those who want to say that they are in love but are incapable of it.

person 1: I love you!!!

person 2: (mumbles) ooh .i luv u 2.

See lust, <3, wuv, like


A word used in the scoring system of Tennis when one has zero points.

"The chances of Tina's winning the game seemed low; the score was luv-30."

See luv, score, zero, tennis, scoring


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