Magic: The Gathering

What is Magic: The Gathering?


The original collectable card game (CCG), where players purchase packs of randomized cards and assemble decks used to compete against others. Created by the Washington-based company Wizards of the Coast, Magic: The Gathering achieved great popularity in the early-to-mid 1990s, and paved the way for other CCGs such as Legend of the Five Rings and Pokemon. Magic: The Gathering still remains popular to this day, although not to the same level as it used to.

The player's Magic: The Gathering collection contained over a thousand cards.

See Deej


The greatest trading card game ever. It must have been doing something right if it's lasted 11 years and is still in a growth phase.

Oh, and contrary to populare belief, you don't have to spend oodles of money just to win... That's why it's a TRADING card game, and why it's especially amusing to bolt together decks like U/G Madness or KCI and wipe the floor with all those moneycard-toting individuals.

The only major failing with MTG is that it's not potent enough an aphrodisiac. Yet.


A TCG created by Richard Garfield, but now owned by Wizards of the Coast. Although commonly associated with nerds, this game has been known to be played by anyone. The game is meant to symbolize powerful wizards doing battle by summoning monsters and the like.

Each player starts with 20 life, a hand of 7 cards, and must have a deck of at least 60 cards. A player can die by loosing all his/her life, or by being forced to draw a card when she has no cards left in her deck, or by the bullshitcard Door to Nothingness. You win the game by killing off all opponents, or by cards that say you win when you meet a certain prerequisite. Many cards are banned or restricted (only one is allowed per deck), usually the older cards, or many of the cards from the mirrodin set, because of the hundreds of instant-win combos. The game is not entirely based on card supremecy; a particulaly skilled player could easily win with a premade deck.

I get thrown out of Friday Night Magic: The Gathering tournements because of my Mirrodin-block Krark-Clan Ironworks deck (now featuring 17 instant-win combos).

See cards, games


Strictly for the socially inept. Magic: The Gathering is occasionally used in conjunction with the Yorkshire word chuffing:

My mom approves of Magic: the Gathering, it keeps me away from girls.

I reckon this dork is going to offer me his Magic: the Chuffing Gathering Black Lotus for $200.

See geek, sad, larp, d&d, fanboy


Magic: The Gathering of Virgins


A trading card game that doubles as a girl repellant. If you are afraid of girls, buy boxes of these cards.

Girl: Are those guys playing magic? I think I'll take a detour.


A game by nerds for nerds.

I like to play Magic: The Gathering because I am a nerd.


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