What is Malmö?
Malmö is the third largest town of
By American standards, Malmö is pretty small; Malmö doesn't even have a million habitants.
I was in Malmö yesterday.
(pronounced: málmø:, also spelled Malmoe, or misspelled Malmo)
Third largest city in
Malmö FF be the best soccer team in Sweden, and the home club of Juventus'
Half the population is not ethnically Swedish (24% born abroad). Islam be the most practized religion with 16% Malmoeites muslims. FOX News got all upset by this.
Malmoe be struggeling with high unemployment, highest rates of murder and organized crime Sweden, currupt politicians etc, but is actually a nice place.
Malmöit: Yo bitch can we fuck?
Chic: Fuck you you dirty, slow-talking prick!
Malmöit: I be from 040, y'know.
Chic: I'm all yours!
Guy from
Stockholm : Hi, I'm from Stockholm.
Malmöit: Click-clack BLAST
Guy from Stockholm: Cough