
What is Maplegeek?


Honestly, it's the best private server MapleStory has EVER had until Jon got lazy and decided to NOT update. The rates were low, the people were great, and the events were amazing. Not to mention, the GMs (game masters) were GREAT. I particularly liked one named Peter (Bacardi), whom I dated for 6 months until he found out I was cheating on him... But that's another story. Thanks to Jon (locolijo), we don't have this server anymore. Thanks, Jon.

Peter- hai baby. let's go play some MapleGeek?

Amber- We can't, remember? Jon didn't want to keep the server running.

Dirk-After Odin went to hell, I started to play MapleGeek. Yuo should come with me.

Amber- Are the rates good?

Dirk- Better than Odin!

Amber-I'm there!

See maple, geek, maplestory, odin, bacardi


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