
What is Marcello?


A name of Italian descent usually more common in Naples, Italy.

The name is pronounced (Mar-chello) and not Marsello.

My name by the way and I love it :).

Ex. yo marcello you the shit dawg

See march, marcel, marco


hottest guy ever.....If any of you bitches want him you gotta get through me and be prepared for me to kick your ya boo! hehe

march is a hotty!!!!!((((((love)))))))

See pipes


a man of brazillian descendants with unusually wide sort penis also known as a chode. His line of work is often prostitution, he most likely has many STD's and makes little money.

Man i shouldn't have picked up that marcello last night. I think i only have about a week to live now.

See marcello, prostitute, chode, cock


my babay

marcello is my baby

See Ana


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