
What is Marco?



Someone that is of extreme greatness. Often considered as a god in some religions. Also means cool.

God damn I wish I was like Marco!

See marco, badass, god, cool, awesome


A greasy Croation pedophile that lives in deep underwater caves. These creatures look much like humans from the 80's. Usually they will have slicked back hair to try and make themselves look Italian. They prey on human women that are usually much younger than them.

wow, I just saw a marco feeling up that seven year old.

See marco, pedophile, greasy, gay, fag, homo, manlover, rectum, anal, bumhugger, dirty


a sexy white guy, a gurls dream

Omg, hes a Marco, sexy!

See sexy, hot, nice, cute, best


A proud man who is a sign of prosperity and greatness. Funny, and gets hot chicks. In words Marco is AWESOME!

He looks like a Marco!

I fucked a Marco!

My math teacher is a Marco

See marko, margo, cool, leader, marmo


To Fail at an Epic Level

"you're such a Marco", "You just Marcoed",

See fail, epic, marco, marcode


A young Italian boy who enjoys flaunting almost everything about himself. Beginning with the fact that he skipped high school and began college at the age of a seventh grader. Marco also enjoys smoking copious amounts of cigarettes while wearing only clothing from Urban Outfitters. Marco usually will hit on any girl that he encounters, even though he is only sixteen he refuses to date anyone below the age of twenty on account of their level of intelligence. He knows nothing about sex or fashion besides what he reads in magazines or learns in his college courses. His beliefs are usually vague and only apply to his life, otherwise they are completely useless.

Marco's a conceited asshole

See indie, rude, asshole, poop, mole


Burger loving, fat guy

God damn Marco your so fat you ate all your food before you had a chance to tank!

See marco, burger, failscape, fat


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