
What is Marmite?


A black, gooey spread, almost a form of yeast extract, allthough far superior, produced by the allmighty Bestfoods corporation(, the only true Marmite being made in England; you really can't eat that shit from sanitarium, I mean the name alone can make you hurl. UUugh). and made, as many will tell you, from second hand brewers yeast. (yum-yum.) THAT is the true reason beer was invented, it was a part of the divine plan to bring the pleasure of Marmite, or Ambrosia, to the world of men.

The term is interchangable with Ambrosia, for it is indeed the food of the gods, though this is little known.

This delectable spread is eaten by some with honey or peanut butter, but the classic recipe is fresh white toast, spread with butter, which must melt swiftly so the Marmite can immediately be administered and then quickly devoured, in time to prepare the other slices of toast before they go cold.

of course, some mortals cannot stand the euphoria that comes with eating this food and say that it is the most revolting thing imaginable, to cover their inability to comprehend such divine fare, and so the human race will forever be divided between the "lovers" and the "haters".

I have travelled this world in my search. There is no substitute.

English fellow: My mate, Marmite.

Foreign Person: Do you really make partnerships with yeasty spreads in this land?

English Fellow: Evidently you have never experienced the true Marmite.


Something to spread on toast when theres no nutella left.

Either love it or hate it - in the words of the Marmite people themselves.

See Lolli Queen


clearly defied in ealier postings...

However it must be added that as an alternative to the traditional recipie:

1 part bread (cooked till golden Brown)

1 part butter (spread quickly so as to melt nicely)

1 part Marmite (spread to taste)

is the slightly more refinded:

1 part Jacobs water cracker

1 part Marmite

garnished with thinly sliced cucumber

Try it... heavenly...

- Would you like some Marmite and cucumber on crackers?

- Fuck yeah! Christmas has come early!


Insignificantly better than Vegemite, but still better.

Marmite was all I used to eat when I was a youngin'.


Highly concentrated bodily fluid found between the cheeks of your arse. Collected by duvet goblins in the night and stored in jars and sold internationally as 'the growing up spread'. My mum made me eat it.

The slack trousered plumber bent hard over to shut the stop cock and the room was filled with the pungent aroma of his marmite.


To describe something that you either love or hate. Comes from the Marmite slogan itself.

"A Clockwork Orange is a marmite film" or "Hoodys are a bit marmite"


An adjective describing an insanely attractive person, usually in moments of intense sexual stimulation.

Oh babe, you're so marmite...

See marmite, sexy, hot, attractive, fit


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