
What is Martyr?


1. One who chooses to suffer death rather than renounce religious principles.

2. One who makes great sacrifices or suffers much in order to further a belief, cause, or principle.

A great show of suffering in order to arouse sympathy.

To inflict great pain on.

Accidently like a martyr -Warren Zevon

See Cliff Dickens


A martyr is a person who dies fighting for what they believe in. A martyr can either kill themselves or be killed.

In the 19th Century, a woman in England named Emily Davison (A member of the suffragette party) becamame a matryr after killing herself by jumping infront of horses at the "Epson Derby".

Martyrs gain a lot of sympathy by the public for preforming such an act which is one of the main contributing factors as to why they do it in the first place.

Martin Luther King is a martyr as he died defending black peoples rights

See martyr, england


A person whose life is so empty that they live to use their self-sacrifice as a weapon against you. In their neuropathological state they believe that by doing so this places them above you, whether intellectually, socially, financially etc.

A martyr always suffers from the 'Christ-Complex' a neurotic crusade (psychosis) that they feel empowers their otherwise meaningless & miserable existence.

Main weapons in the arsenal of the martyr include:


The guilt trip ( slangdefine )


High explosives & nails. ( def:nailbomb slangdefine )

Chances are that we ALL know a martyr. See if you can spot which of your 'friends' or work 'colleagues' is one.

Joe: "It's OK John, I don't mind cleaning up all your crap & covering for you while you go home early... again."

John: "Aw... you're a real FRIEND Joe! Thanks. How can my sick wife & I ever repay you?


Manager: "Are you STILL here Joe? Jeez, you're such a MARTYR"

Joe: "Yeah, I'm not feeling so good boss, but we're so short-staffed, what with JOHN GOING HOME EARLY that I thought I'd better stay & PICK UP ALL HIS SHIT... AGAIN.


John: "Hey boss, how are things at the office?"

Manager: "Better now that Joe has replaced you" "Did I mention that YOU'RE FIRED?"

Tourist: "Hello young man, that heavy coat looks very hot on a day like today!"


See psychosis, guilt trip, back stabber


Someone who purposely takes on extra duties or unpleasant activity for the sake of attention and being able to complain about it.

1. Eli always volunteers to work late and then complains about it. He is such a martyr.

See matyr, complains, attention


1. A person who seeks out and/or nurtures conflict within their life.

2. A person who creates drama in their life where there was none before.

Often describes an attention whore or a pity whore, who find pleasure in lording their pain over others and garnering support because of it. A martyr seeks out and revels in personal conflict so as to have an excuse to be angry.

1. Mary bought her husband a lifetime pass to Fantasy Football Camp, even though she hates football and hates when he leaves the house for a long time. She yells at him all the time because he goes. She's such a martyr.

2. Bob always takes my comments the wrong way. Why, just the other day I said his tie looked nice, and he said, "Nice? Why not great? Do you think it's ugly? Why do you hate my clothes? Why do you hate me?" Then he told everyone I was rude to him. What a martyr!


is anyone with a belief cause or moral priciple who practises in truth these things.. 72 virgins are earn't in the meaning of the belief cause or moral priciple... but what that means is a chance to wholly reveal this to his god as a turth... virgin can often mean the relating of his belief cause or moral priciple to others so that he is not harmed straight away as a result of his belief cause or moral principle... for a women they earn 54 rights (to there faith) and a man 72 virgins (to there faith) ... the reason for this is that it is according to there faith that these rights or virgins exists and as there is porn everywhere generally you'll find the rights or virgins (having to do with the martyrs faith) never change at all by him as they (virgins)or it (rights) represents what he or she believes,has faith in, has hope for excetera... martyrs are every where everybody possesses some sort of martyrdom within them but as is often most people mislead the facts.... your faith is everywhere you beliefs you causes and you moral principles some people belive in you some people love you and in some cases they want you dead.. if you have faith in what ever it is for whatever time with a whatever matrix there you are.... rights are and virgin faith is every where don't condemn and idea that is very old on a false premise...

hitler was a martyr .... george bush is a martyr (even though i think a pretty bad one) ... (BORAT is a matyr)

See virgin, martyr


ONe who dies for the cause of the hood.

i was playing GTA and one of my gangsters ran out in front of me and died by friendly fire...he died for the hood...he was a martyr

See gangster, gangbang, drive by, mexicans


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