
What is Mashed?


Seriously drunk, or high on drugs to an extreme point

"I'm mashed off me face."


completely out of it, after excess alcohol or marijuana.

shit man, i was complete mashed last night..

See richard


adj. to be drunk on alcohol and stoned on marijuana ( cannabis) at the same instant

he got mashed, was playin xbox last nite wiv the lads, then terry brought a few eighths round and it all went a bit wheeee!

See tiesto


Inebriated by any form of drug that inhibits a 'normal' type of human perception.

I don't think I'll drive tonight, I'm too mashed.

See drunk, stoned, wasted, sober, straight


Term Expressed When Someone Is Under the Influence of Drugs And Alcohol And Is Incredibly Out Of It.

"Crazy Night Last Night, I Got So Mashed"

See mashed, alcohol, drugs, stuff, pissed



he was so mashed


When a guy/girl is hitting on you in a really unwanted way. In an overly aggressive/offensive way.

"I cant believe that slime ball asked for my number, and then swatted my ass. He totally mashed me."

"She thinks she is soo cool when she sits at the bar all night and mashes all the guys."


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