
What is Masterbate?


The complete incorrect spelling of masturbate Since it's a misspelling it means "Being a master of bate" Or perhaps "Master of bait".

Yo yo! This is so phat!!!111!eleven!1 Ahm all foo illiterate and I went all MASTERBAAATE today!!111!11! You go wafsha!!!11!one!


how dumb people spell "masturbate"

i gotsta ta go masterbate rihgt no!

See meh


guy: when you rub the shaft of your penis untl you orgasm.

(sometimes requires the use of lubricants)

(not reccomended to exceed three times each day)

girls: use of fingers to touch the clitoris

(sometimes requires the use of a vibrator)

andrew uses the fleshlight to masterbate.

See fap, lubricant, vibrator, yay


Its how you get some action. Usually this word isn't used, but is covered up in a sentance by a group of words. SEE EXAMPLE

1. I'm gonna take Rosy Palm and her 5 friends out tonight. (I'm going to go masturbate tonight)

2. I gotta go choke the chicken/ beat the meet/ play helicopter/ stroke the beast/ walk the dog/ spank my monkey/ check for genital cancer. <- lol


to feel good

choke ur chicken


Going out with Palmela Handerson.

I cant play video games tonight, cause I got a date with Palmela Handerson.


jack off---- beat the meant

i beat it everyday

See matt


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